

Forest-friendly shopping

As consumers, our shopping choices can affect the future of unique ecosystems, such as the Amazon Basin. So, until further legislation is passed to protect the rainforests of the world, what should be left out of our shopping baskets?


Saving the Kimberley

The vast north of Western Australia holds many environmental treasures. However, as the world economy continues to grow, previously untouched areas are finding themselves at the frontline of an accelerating grab for mineral and fuel resources.


Sharks attacked

Sharks are facing the very real possibility of extinction as they become victims to overfishing and as the taste for shark meat and shark fin soup grows.


Saving the orangutan

The orangutan was once found across South-East Asia including in China and Vietnam and Cambodia, but their survival has been threatened since the mid-1970s as human impacts have reduced their habitats to the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.


Preserving our wetlands

Wetlands are nature’s way of cleaning and supporting the surrounding habitat, but these amazing and complex waterways are being overlooked as an answer to current climate woes. Now is the perfect time to leap into conservation efforts.