
Complementary Medicine & Homeopathy

Looking at different approaches to the healing process can clarify how a practitioner fits into the health care industry and how he or she relates to other health professionals. Complementary medicine is that part of the health sector that relies primarily upon holistic, homeopathic, traditional or natural therapies rather than an allopathic approach to medicine […]

Beautiful Skin & Complexion with Homeopathy

A healthy life produces a healthy skin and an unhealthy life produces an unhealthy skin, and no tricks of manufacturers and shop keepers will help to improve matters. There are of course medicines which are helpful in improving the condition of the skin and complexion. They do not act directly on the skin, but by […]

Homeopathic Remedy Response and Secondary Prescriptions

In difficult, chronic, complicated cases, you require not a remedy, but a ladder (a series of remedies), not one of which of itself can effect a cure, but each of which works cure wards,  their cumulative action eventuating a health restoration. This is how cataract, and many other so called chronic incurable cases have been […]

Homeopathy Treats the Whole Person!

This is often misinterpreted to mean everything about the person including ‘Personality’ type, aversions and cravings, weather, time, modalities of the ‘person’ even when well. What we are really looking for are the deviations of these, the striking opposite or the exacerbation of these sub-symptoms when sick. Statements like “Homeopathy treats the person not the […]

Homeopathy Posology

The key to homeopathic potency selection boils down to finding the susceptibility of our patient. What factors determine the susceptibility? Susceptibility depends on the following factors: Nature of the Constitution – Age; children or older, Physical Constitution and Psychological temperament. Is the patient sensitive, quick to act and react? or are they sluggish, dull, and […]

Echinacea – The ‘blood purifier’

Echinacea angustifolia has become a popular medicine used by alternative therapists and the general public for ‘strengthening’ the immune system or for conditions related to immune dysfunction such as colds, flu, and susceptibility to infections. In the past it was a medicine known for its use in treating such conditions as typhoid, diphtheria, malignant scarlatina, […]

Introduction to Homeopathic Provings

Proving, or experimentation with remedies on healthy individuals, is a third principle and a must for any medicinal science. Hahnemann gave detailed instructions for provings in his Aphorisms 105-114. He was the first to introduce the concept of scientific experiments on medicinal substances as a basis for prescribing  with them. From ancient times until well […]