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Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 04 20t112313.709

Thai Black Rice Salad

Black rice is a fantastic alternative to white rice. It has a chewy, nutty texture and is a great source of anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant. You’ll be able to buy black rice from most supermarkets or health food stores.

Prosciutto & Parmesan Salad

Prosciutto, Pecan & Parmesan Salad

The crunchy pecans, creamy poached eggs and tangy parmesan explode with flavour with every bite. The dressing can be stored in the fridge in a sterile, tightly sealed jar for up to seven days.


Ricotta, Broccoli & Chickpea Salad

The smoky flavour is perfect for melting through a baked pasta dish, grilled on the BBQ or as it is, on your next cheese platter. Made using only the best quality farm fresh milk sourced in Victoria, That’s Amore Cheese produces award winning Italian-style cheeses that are proudly free of preservatives and artificial colours.

Pomegranate & Walnut Salad

Pomegranate & Walnut Salad

I’m currently addicted to pomegranates and walnut. The fresh, slightly tangy burst of the arils and the savoury crunch of the walnuts is a fantastic combination.

Berry & Honeydew Avocado Salad with Tiger Nuts & Vinaigrette Dressing

Berry & Honeydew Avocado Salad with Tiger Nuts & Vinaigrette Dressing

Tiger nuts, also known as earth almonds, aren’t actually nuts. They’re tubers that have a chewy almond-like taste. Tiger nuts are a good source of protein and beneficial fats along with resistant starch fibre that acts as a prebiotic. Including tiger nuts with meals can help improve satiety and reduce blood-sugar level spikes.

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 02 23t150643.724

Citrus, Fennel & Quinoa Salad with Orange Dressing

This lovely, fresh salad provides plenty of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, required for good eye health and vision. You will also get a good dose of vitamin C from this dish, which is important for collagen production and for maintaining healthy skin and a strong-functioning immune system. Quinoa is a highly nutritious seed that is rich in protein and dietary fibre to help keep you regular and promote healthy blood-sugar levels.

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 (8)

Spaghetti Salad

Just make it, refrigerate or serve straight away and let the family grab a bowl as they swarm in the door.