
Healthy Eating for Generation Y

Generation Y you face many challenges such as moving away from home, starting work or study. These changes in lifestyle can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to healthy eating. Binge drinking, recreational drug taking and fast food all take their toll sooner than later. As does going to bed late, texting, on the computer for hours and sleep deprivation.

Healthy Eating for Seniors

No matter how old you are healthy eating and exercise is imperative. It’s a matter of finding out what works for you and sticking to it. I stopped running when I started karate. Over Christmas I met a senior in her 60’s who has been running for over twenty years. I was inspired.

Laughing & stress release

Laughing is one of the best known remedies of a lot of illnesses. People have been known to laugh themselves well from cancer or to stop anxiety attacks through learning how to laugh. It can also seriously lighten your mood and your outlook on life and reduce stress and anxiety. Laughing is a lot more […]

What is a Naturopathic Doctor

There are two types of Naturopathic Doctors – there are Doctors that  use natural remedies as part of their treatment plan and there are Naturopaths that specialise in the use of medical pathology such as blood tests to assist in the creation of a treatment plan.  A Naturopath that uses this form of diagnosis is […]

Why I love forward bends

Continuing on the topic of postures I love, we move onto the forward bend. During my first week of living with a sprained ankle, seated forward bends – mainly paschimottanasana was a posture I threw myself into and embraced as it was pretty much one of the few asanas I could still do to my full ability. And now with my ankle on the mend, I’m back to enjoying standing forward bends too.

How to do a headstand – sirsasana

The headstand, sirsasana is one of my favourite positions and it’s probably one of the most popular and well-known asanas in yoga. There are plenty of people who come to yoga classes eager to learn this pose and although, sirsasana isn’t as tough as it looks, it’s best if you first build up your strength and have sufficient practice before attempting this asana.