preventive health


Parkinson’s disease and your health

Meanwhile natural ways to treat Parkinson’s assist in delaying the progression of the disease. I need to say though that the disease can be very virulent at the speed it progresses so it is important to work with both your doctor and natural practitioner at the same time to increase your level of health.



BABY BOOMERS AND SAFE SEX! Looking for love online has become very popular these days, it once used to be a secret but now nobody minds anymore to admit to it. On-line dating is not only for the young, older Australians are also turning to the internet to find romance as many baby boomers find […]


Do you have swollen ankles

Did you know that Potassium is important for healthy muscles and nerves in your whole body? A lack of potassium will affect how you balance fluids in your body, how your blood vessels function, your skin, nervous system, sports performance and cardiac health.

Dental implants

Eating disorders and oral health

In case of dental and oral complications, the effects of eating disorders are often irreversible. In simplest terms, the scars of eating disorders are most visible in a person’s smile. Today, eating disorders affect mostly young people and the incidence is growing. These young people are literally being robbed of their beautiful smiles! This post discusses some common dental signs and symptoms and possible dental treatment to prevent severe damage from active eating disorders.

Whitening toothpaste

Lively discussion on the SMH website today regarding the misleading advertising of the ‘whitening’ toothpastes by the big brands. I thought it would be worth posting my brief comments on this. Toothpastes do not whiten teeth, they ABRADE teeth. This is risky for those who already experience erosion and abrasion from other sources, so be aware! The […]


Diverticular disease occurs when small pockets or pouches occur in the bowel. These pockets (diverticula) can get inflamed or infected and cause symptoms. When the pouches become inflamed it’s called diverticulitis.

What does having an apple

Do you have an apple, pear, banana or avocado body shape? These shapes can actually reveal a surprising amount of information when it comes to what areas of your health you need to look out for. Here is a quick overview of the body shapes. What shape (or fruit) are you?