WellBeing 207

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Sacred Singing

When was the last time you started singing your heart out? Humming can hone your happiness and health. Find your voice for more fun!

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Misty Memory

Memories tell a story that at times serves and at other times unnerves. Either way, without them we lose who we are.


The rise of temperature therapy

From saunas to ice baths, temperature therapy has proven to be a rising and science-backed wellness ritual for the modern world, birthed from ancient traditions. It’s time to discover the hot and cold of it — and how to get it just right for your own self-care routine.

Positive Thrift

Positive thrift

Practising frugality can be fun and help promote our success, prosperity and connection to ourselves, others and our world. And in a time of higher costs raining over us, there’s a rainbow we can explore: the sunny side of spending less.