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Garlic Roast Potatoes

One of my best food memories growing up has always been roasted potato. I would fill up on them every time and then get into trouble because I wouldn’t eat anything else. (In my defence, there were some terribly over-boiled Brussels sprouts on that plate!)

Lamb roast

Lamb Roast Re-imagined

Both of my nannas would always cook a Sunday lamb roast — every week without fail. So did my mum. It was comforting, but it was also cooked in copious amounts of animal dripping! I still can’t live without a Sunday roast every month, but my roast is a little lighter on the fat and a lot lighter on the organs and hips! Most people don’t roast shanks but trust me, they’re delicious. And yes, I cooked these babies in an oven bag!

Crispy Roasted Chicken Wings

Crispy Roasted Chicken Wings

I always keep chicken wings in my freezer; they are the ultimate weeknight dinner or fun weekend fare. As long as you have staple marinating ingredients in your pantry and chicken wings in the freezer, you will always have a tasty dinner!

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Massaman Cauliflower

Find a really good massaman curry paste for this recipe and you can’t go wrong. Of course, by all means make your own, but this recipe is sure to become a favourite on those nights you don’t feel like cooking!