
Managing Thyroid

Managing Hyperthyroidism

At 30 years old, one would not expect a major medical condition, but this young woman came to the clinic because she had been to her local GP, who had diagnosed her condition as hyperthyroidism, having carried out a series of blood tests and a thyroid scan that proved positive. She initially went to her […]


The Organic Way

According to the Australian Organic Market Report for 2021, the Australian organic food industry is blooming. As a whole, the organic food industry in this country is estimated to be worth $2.3 billion annually and has seen an annual growth rate of 13 per cent every year since 2012. Consumer demand for organic produce is […]

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6 Skin-Soothing Foods To Fight Skin Inflammation

If you’re dealing with redness, irritation, swelling and other signs of skin inflammation, it’s a good time to start paying closer attention to the foods on your plate. Inflammation is a common skin concern that can be alleviated by the foods you eat, and incorporating the right ones into your diet can help keep your skin healthy and glowing.