
EGGS – Not just for breakfast anymore?

A sweaty gym-goer rattling their noisy protein shaker before chugging a post-workout shake is a common sight in any gym.

Now, not to diss the protein shake (as it offers a quick, easy, portable dose of all important protein) but what ever happened to the humble egg? Hard-boiled eggs, after all, are quick, easy, portable AND a heck of a lot cheaper than protein powder.

So why eat an egg post-workout, or at any other time for that matter?


Diverticular disease occurs when small pockets or pouches occur in the bowel. These pockets (diverticula) can get inflamed or infected and cause symptoms. When the pouches become inflamed it’s called diverticulitis.

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Earth

Imagine if you could help reduce the pollution in the world and at the same time assist in maintaining healthy ecosystems worldwide.  Are you interested? First of all lets look at the issues that you directly have control over. The chemicals that we ingest for pain relief, cholesterol control, maintaining blood pressure diabetes and chemotherapy […]


Your guide to iodine

Iodine plays a significant role in contributing to the healthy functioning of the body and, with a suspected 31 per cent of the global population at risk of deficiency, this is a mineral you need to know more about.