
Men and relationships

Men and relationships

Many times men get blamed for not communicating when women do not put their boundaries in place and have the nerve to get up there and ask for what they want. The men are confused and walking on eggshells so to speak, in an effort to please their partner, when all she seems to do is nag and criticise. Our partners, whether they be men or women, were not put into the partnership to be a carbon copy of us or just to please us and the healthiest of relationships respects the other person’s differences whilst finding a middle ground on which to interact.


Happiness in life: Part 2

Many people that have productive lives filled with happiness have a sense of optimism despite the number of times they seem to have failure in their life. They tend to treat failure as a way of learning or changing their perspective to perhaps handle the same issue in a different way or to move on. That learning often brings with it an attitude of gratitude, appreciation and value for what they already have. People with an optimistic attitude often find their happiness by looking at the positives they can be grateful for instead of continually complaining about what they do not have, and that often also brings a relinquishing of the past.


How self-transformation changes the whole world

As you could see in my first blog one of my great passions is to engage in radical self-transformation mostly for my own sake, but also for the whole world. Last night I Googled, ‘How can I change myself so as to change the world?’ Near the top of the list was a blog, “30 […]


Stigmatised illnesses: speak up and get help

Sick people need our help and empathy, not to be stigmatised for their illness, but unfortunately for centuries people with contagious or serious illness have had to pay the penalty of society’s judgement. Slowly over the years it has begun to change but still it is not common to talk about our panic attacks (one in four people suffer these at some stage of their lives) or our depression (how would it affect your promotion at work) or the grief you are feeling simply because your wonderful dog died. We have become to some extent a society that ‘soldiers on’ and in doing that we bury our feelings and illnesses and surround ourselves with shame instead of understanding and healing.


Just a little bit of cotton wool?

My two year old looks like Mike Tyson. Post-match. She has a swollen nose, dried blood and scabs all over her upper lip, and a couple of nice shiners coming up. My tough little chic didn’t go three rounds in a boxing ring though – she went head-to-head with the edge of a terracotta pot […]


After a much longer than expected hiatus from my blogging to focus on my health, I am plugged back in; fully charged; looking forward to sharing more of my learning’s and experiences from this incredible ‘breast cancer’ journey.