energetic healing


The Chakra System Your 7 Keys to Freedom

Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have chakras – bright wheels of energy, spinning within our bodies. We have seven major chakras, and each of them has a different function and energy. And, while they exist within our bodies, their influence extends far beyond the physical. Your chakras influence the health of:

chakras healing energy vibration yoga spirit mind love beauty

What are the 7 chakras?

Think of your body like a car. You can’t run on just one wheel, everything needs to be functioning in harmony, otherwise you’ll be thrown off balance. The chakra system is just like this. Chakra literally translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit and this is exactly what they are – wheels that steer us through life. If one of the wheels are our out balance it affects the functioning of the whole body. Thankfully, this disharmony and dis-ease can be resolved by opening the chakras and restoring balance.

Are you grounded in your body or your head?

Most people if they were honest would probably say their head. You know when you’re in your head when you think too much, can’t sleep as you are thinking and suffer from analysis paralysis. You can also tell if you are in your head if life lacks that fullness and luster that you have experienced before.


How to cleanse toxic energy

Cultures around the world have independently believed in an energy body which surrounds and supports your physical body. Just like your physical body, the energy body can become toxic and you need to know how to cleanse it.