
Satsangh – the company of the good and its importance

Satsangh is a Sanskrit word meaning a sacred gathering or being in the company of good people. It is important because the company you keep rubs off and people become like each other. So if you are mixing with people who are negative you will start to think of yourself and others in negative terms. If you are already doing this it can be changed. This article explains why Satsangh is important and how to change things in your life.

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How to fall in love again

Why is it that once new love fades in a romantic relationship, it can sometimes feel like you are sleeping with the enemy? We explore how you can renew your relationships, clear out the clutter of unresolved hurt and work through communication breakdowns.

How to find your tribe: how to find friends to support your wellbeing

Finding your tribe

A strong support network is integral to your health and wellbeing. These people are likeminded souls who accept, support and love you exactly as you are. Yet to meet them? Here’s how to find your tribe.