Mind & Spirit

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The power of resonance

How did you arrive to the life you have now? Where will you go next?
By understanding resonance we can be more aware of how inner and outer energies influence us and be better captains of our own ships.


The Problem With Relaxing

A recent episode of popular cartoon show Bluey resonated with thousands of Australians. No, it wasn’t the one about the daughter’s first steps (although that one surely did) — instead, it’s a new episode where mother Chilli can’t seem to stop her mind turning as she sits on the beach with a novel while on […]

Practice Meditation

How to practice meditation

To start meditating, all you need is a comfortable seat, a dedicated period of time (anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes is ideal), and the willingness to be present to your experience. “You can come with any attitude you have: skepticism, curiosity or enjoyment,” guides Lorin Roche in his book Meditation Made Easy. […]