
Granola Paleo Keto

A true Keto product that is super high in good fats, whilst being low in sugars. Packed (22%) with macadamia nuts (high in good fats!) and other awesome nuts, seeds and spices, then toasted in macadamia oil.

Ozganics BBQ Sauce

BBQ Sauce is made with the combination of ripe organic tomatoes, organic onions and selected organic spices in a reusable glass sauce bottle.

Kez’s Kitchen Choc Almond Florentines

Gluten-Free | FODMAP Friendly | No Artificial Colours or Flavours. These Florentines are a scrumptious blend of crispy cornflakes, juicy fruit and roasted almonds, all dipped in decadent chocolatey goodness as a final touch of blissfulness.