healthy habits

touchy person

Why some people are so touchy

Ever noticed how some people are touchy and can react easily to even the smallest thing? This might be a comment from someone, being too busy or little events that happen to us all like traffic, spilling our coffee, losing a document and so on.

Healthy Eating whilst Holidaying

  I’m just back from holidays. My first business email says welcome back to the rat race – is it?  I then read my horoscope. It forecasts issues at work and direction changes. I gasped! That’s all I need coming back from holidays. Then I realised I was reading the wrong sign and didn’t feel […]


6 reasons to run

You may think running isn’t for you – but with so many health benefits, how could it not be? Here’s how to get a running routine started and where to find the motivation to maintain it.

Concerned about recent media reports regarding dental Xray exposure? Read this!

If you don’t know what to make of the recent media reports linking dental xray exposure to meningioma tumours in the US population, read this communication document from the Australian Dental Association, recently circulated to all of us, dentists. It is business as usual for the Australian dental profession, as long as high ethical and quality standards are observed. Keep calm and carry on:)

Why me? What makes you prone to tooth decay

Ever wandered why you may constantly be developing new cavities, while your friends have never even had a single filling? There may be many reasons behind this, but do not despair, there are also many solutions. This article may help shed some light on your struggle with tooth decay!

Adjusting to holidayitis

We’ve all had it, we all know what it’s like. When you have been somewhere on holidays or even just at home and then the time comes when you have to return home, return to work, return to routine and often return to all the old stuff that used to happen.