
Chocolate Creamy Ice Cream

Chocolate Creamy Ice Cream

Can you make a delicious and creamy ice cream without using cream or milk? Yes, you absolutely can. Not only is this ice cream delicious and creamy, it’s rich with flavour and takes only five minutes to make. The coffee and the salt work together to enhance the chocolate flavour, so don’t leave them out.

Sayur Lodeh

Sayur Lodeh (Indonesian Vegetables in Coconut Milk)

Sayur lodeh translates in Indonesian to vegetables in coconut milk and is a traditional Javanese dish. Use the vegetables listed as a guide but you can use whatever you like. We use coconut aminos in place of the traditional shrimp paste to keep it plant-based

Pomegranate & Walnut Salad

Pomegranate & Walnut Salad

I’m currently addicted to pomegranates and walnut. The fresh, slightly tangy burst of the arils and the savoury crunch of the walnuts is a fantastic combination.

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If a donut and a churros had a love child, it would be a sopapilla. Soft triangles of dough are fried to pillowy golden perfection and then dusted in cinnamon sugar. So much easier than donuts, this recipe makes a big batch, which is great because you may need to “taste test” at least half of them.

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Saffron Paella Bites

These crunchy little balls are super tasty but super simple. You can double this recipe and have a serving for dinner, then make the balls with the other half.

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Citrus, Fennel & Quinoa Salad with Orange Dressing

This lovely, fresh salad provides plenty of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, required for good eye health and vision. You will also get a good dose of vitamin C from this dish, which is important for collagen production and for maintaining healthy skin and a strong-functioning immune system. Quinoa is a highly nutritious seed that is rich in protein and dietary fibre to help keep you regular and promote healthy blood-sugar levels.

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Savoury Rice & Beans

Rice and beans can sound bland and uninteresting, but this dish is anything but. Cooking the rice in the rich savoury broth means maximum flavour is absorbed, creating a delicious and filling dish that can be served as a side or a main.