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Discover the benefits of cucumbers – from cardiovascular health to skincare. Uncover their active ingredients, healing effects, & cautions.

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Rest, roll and recover

Your body requires proper care and attention to function at its best. Just as you fuel your body with nutritious food, you must also provide it with adequate rest and recovery to maintain optimal health.

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Yoga for a flexible mind

Flexibility is a central component of life when it comes to your physical and mental health. Discover how neuroscience and psychology highlight the importance of “cognitive flexibility” and the Vedic approach to maintaining holistic flexibility

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Skip into spring

Jumping rope was a firm favourite in the school playground, but as an adult picking up a jump rope might not be your first choice for exercise. Learn why it should be.

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Hug me do

Hugging has its roots deep in our evolutionary tree, but its effects are healing and very relevant to the challenges of modern life.