
Have you ever wanted to plant a tree? Here's how you can get started

Have you ever wanted to plant a tree? Here’s how you can get started

Planting a tree is an act of optimism. With it comes hope that a seed or stick will grow, find the water and food it needs, soak up CO2 from our planet and grow strong and healthy. When you plant a tree, you expect it to cool the land with its shade, provide a home for birds and beetles, offer food for countless creatures and, when it blossoms, offer fruit and seeds for all living things, including humans.

Do you want to help save the bees? Build a bee-friendly garden

Do you want to help save the bees?

Native bee populations are struggling because of loss of habitat and food, often caused by urban and suburban development. The good news is that a single tree or shrub can produce thousands of flowers with high-quality pollen and nectar, providing bees with the protein and carbohydrates they need to thrive.